Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Natalie Bouffard's Line Painting

"It’s a nonobjective painting. I mixed most of the colors to make them, and I put them in different places. When I mixed a color I really liked I tried making it again.  My favorite color is the light green. I mixed white and green to make it. I made the brown too which was a little hard. The last step I did was to go over the black lines again because I painted over them and the lines got a little not there. My tip for making this is to first make the lines and then maybe think of a way you want to make it stand out…like I did a section mostly blue and then went to darker colors down at the bottom. Then just mixed it in the middle so it’s like a different way of things. It’s a nonobjective painting. My favorite part was seeing it at the end and seeing how good it is!" Natalie 

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