1. Choose 4 pieces of construction paper.
Write your name and room # on bottom right hand corner
2. Cut 4 or 5 large stencils out of scrap paper. The color doesn't matter.
3. Show teacher that you labeled all papers and cut out your stencils. Then off you go to the PRINTING TABLE!
The PRINTING TABLE is set up with 6 silkscreens, squeegees and finger paint. One color of paint per screen.
4. Stack 4 papers and arrange your stencils!
5. Place screen on top of all 4 papers and your stencils
6. Put finger paint on screen.
7. Squeegee (yes, it's a funny word)
8. Put print on drying rack
9. Go back and finish all four prints.
Aidan Rowell, Room 21 Iman Haidri, Room 21
Paige Domski, Room 21 Chandler Cheung, Room 21
10. Remove stencils (they'll be stuck to the screen)
11. Wash hands
12. Look forward to cutting more stencils and adding more colors next week!!
Great Step by step pictures of silkscreen!!